Will trash it all
Will trash it all

will trash it all

All leaves and small items must be bagged before placing at the curb for collection.All trash must be placed at the curb for collection.Curry Environmental Complex at 3440 Kauloosa Ave. Recyclable electronics – must be dropped off at the Richard A.Any waste generated by a contractor, landscaper or tree cutter.Loose glass (In order for crews to collect, glass must be broken into small pieces and placed inside a box that is taped shut).Hazardous waste (paint, light bulbs, batteries, chemicals, etc.).Appliances – collected separately from regular trash will be recycled.Rocks, bricks and demolition waste generated by family units.

will trash it all

  • Bagged leaves and grass clippings pine straw.
  • Bulky items (old furniture, unwanted toys, etc.).
  • Non-residential customers are not eligible for trash service.

    will trash it all

    Trash service is only available to residential City garbage customers.When a City holiday interrupts the solid waste collection schedule, routes will resume the next scheduled work day.from Memorial Day through Labor Day and at 7 a.m. Trash must be placed at curbside before the route start time to ensure collection.During busy seasons, trash routes may run behind. Typically, trash is collected on the same day as garbage and curbside recycling.If ineligible or not subscribing to City garbage collection service, multi-family and non-residential premises must contract with a licensed commercial waste hauler for private dumpster service. Multi-family and non-residential premises may be eligible for City garbage collection service.New residents may apply for garbage service when they apply for their water and sewer services via the New Account Form. City garbage service is mandatory for all single-family residential premises in the Tuscaloosa corporate city limits.Click to view the Holiday Collection Schedule. When a City holiday interrupts the solid waste collection schedule, routes will resume the next scheduled work day.Click for detailed information on Historic District Cart Storage. In the Historic District, carts may not be stored in the front yard and may only be located in the front yard when out at the curb for collection or service.Garbage carts must be removed from the city right-of-way by 8 a.m. the day following collection.Garbage carts must be placed at curbside before the route start time to ensure collection.Find your pick-up day on the Environmental Services Route Map. Garbage is collected once a week on the same day as curbside recycling.

    Will trash it all